Plant Care

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Flower Selection for Florida's Summer Heat

Summer in Central Florida can be brutal on all plants. Most of our annuals cannot compete with the heat of the midday sun and will wilt and die, while others have problems with too much moisture during the wet, humid, swap-like nights. Oh, is it horrible…but there is hope.

There are a handful of plants that actually thrive in humid environments and do not mind the heat of the midday sun.

Annual Installation in Orlando can be as easy as 123….

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aka Periwinkle

Yep, just like those little shells at the beach, these things come in lots of colors, too!  I’ve seen them growing in concrete. Seriously!  I had a plant I let live in my driveway for like 5 months, blooms and all, which just goes to show that these guys can take a beating by the sun.  They seem like some kind of succulent the way they thrive in the hottest of days. They are my go to annual when someone asks for them in the summertime.

If you like Impatiens, a genus of more than 1,000 species of flowering plants, then you will love Vincas.  They look very similar from a distance, however, the difference about these awesome flowers is that they do not like shade.  They can live in shade, but the will not thrive.

Vinca Minor, commonly known as Periwinkle or Creeping Myrtle, is an excellent plant for landscaping in Florida due to several compelling reasons. First, it thrives in the warm and humid climate of Florida, making it well-suited for the region.

One of the standout features of Vinca minor is its dense and lush evergreen foliage, which provides year-round greenery and serves as an attractive ground cover. This makes it particularly useful for landscaping projects where you want to fill in large areas or prevent soil erosion.

Vinca minor is also highly adaptable to different soil conditions, including sandy soils commonly found in Florida. It can tolerate both sun and shade, although it tends to prefer partial shade, making it versatile for various landscaping scenarios.

Another reason Vinca minor is a popular choice in Florida is its ability to withstand periods of drought once established. This plant has low water requirements, reducing the need for constant irrigation and making it more water-efficient for your landscape.

Additionally, Vinca minor produces delicate, star-shaped flowers in shades of purple or white, adding a lovely touch of color to your landscape during the blooming season. These flowers also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, contributing to the overall biodiversity of your garden.

In summary, Vinca minor is an ideal plant for Florida landscaping due to its adaptability to the climate, dense evergreen foliage, tolerance to different soil conditions, low water requirements, and attractive blooms. Consider incorporating Vinca minor in your landscape to enjoy its beauty, functionality, and resilience in the Florida environment.

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aka Painted Nettle

One of my favorite plants to purchase is the Coleus.  They can only be used during our hottest months because they hate any sign of cold weather. They come in many colors and make excellent mass of colors especially in shade.

Coleus is an excellent plant for landscaping due to its numerous desirable attributes. First and foremost, its vibrant and varied foliage adds an instant splash of color and visual interest to any garden or landscape. With a wide range of leaf shapes, sizes, and colors, including shades of green, red, purple, pink, and yellow, Coleus offers endless possibilities for creative and eye-catching arrangements.

Additionally, Coleus is known for its adaptability to different growing conditions, making it suitable for various landscapes. Whether in full sun or partial shade, in containers or flower beds, Coleus thrives in a wide range of environments. Its versatility and ability to tolerate different soil types and moisture levels make it a resilient choice for many gardeners.

Moreover, Coleus is relatively low-maintenance, requiring minimal effort to care for. It is a fast-growing plant, providing quick results and filling in garden spaces efficiently. With regular pruning, it can be easily shaped and controlled to fit specific design preferences. Furthermore, Coleus is known to attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, contributing to a healthy and vibrant ecosystem in your landscape.

In summary, the stunning foliage, adaptability, low-maintenance nature, and ability to attract pollinators make Coleus a fantastic choice for landscaping. Whether used as a focal point, a pop of color, or as part of a mixed planting scheme, Coleus adds beauty, versatility, and charm to any outdoor space.

In Conclusion

When it comes to transforming your outdoor space, Landscape Unique is the name you can trust. Our team of skilled professionals is committed to delivering exceptional landscaping services that exceed your expectations. With our attention to detail, personalized approach, and dedication to customer satisfaction, we guarantee stunning results that will leave a lasting impression. Whether you need residential or commercial landscaping, our expertise and creativity will bring your vision to life. Choose Landscape Unique for a truly unique and remarkable landscape that will enhance the beauty of your property. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us make your landscaping dreams a reality.

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The Ultimate Guide: How to Care for Indoor Plants

While having indoor plant can help purify the air you breathe and add a wonderful aesthetic to your environment, they are often difficult to maintain. Common questions I get typically regard placement so they get enough light, when and how much to water, and more. In this post I’ll discuss how to keep your plants alive and healthy for years to come

7 Steps for Thriving Indoor Plants

Selecting the right plants for your indoor space is the first step towards successful indoor gardening. Consider factors such as lighting conditions, temperature, and humidity levels in your environment. Some popular indoor plant options include pothos, snake plants, peace lilies, and spider plants.

Light is a vital element for the growth of indoor plants. Most indoor plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Place your plants near windows or in well-lit areas of your home. If natural light is limited, consider using artificial grow lights to supplement the light requirements of your plants

Proper watering is crucial to prevent under or overwatering your indoor plants. The watering frequency depends on various factors such as plant type, potting medium, and environmental conditions. Always check the moisture level of the soil before watering and ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogging.

Indoor environments are often drier than the natural habitat of many plants. Increase humidity levels by placing a tray of water near your plants, using a humidifier, or grouping plants together to create a microclimate. Mist your plants occasionally to provide additional moisture.

Indoor plants benefit from regular fertilization to replenish nutrients in the soil. Choose a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer and follow the recommended dosage. During the growing season, typically spring and summer, fertilize every 2-4 weeks. Reduce or stop fertilization during the dormant period.

Regular pruning helps maintain the shape, size, and overall health of your indoor plants. Remove dead or yellowing leaves, trim overgrown branches, and pinch off leggy growth. Grooming your plants also prevents pests and encourages new growth.

Indoor plants are susceptible to pests such as aphids, spider mites, and fungus gnats. Inspect your plants regularly for any signs of pests or disease. Treat infestations promptly using organic pest control methods or consult a professional if necessary.

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In Conclusion

Caring for indoor plants is a rewarding and enjoyable experience that brings nature’s beauty into your living space. By following these essential care tips provided by Landscape Unique, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to nurture your indoor plants and create a thriving indoor garden. Remember, each plant has its own unique requirements, so observe and adjust your care routine accordingly. Enjoy the benefits of lush greenery and a healthier indoor environment with the beauty of indoor plants. Happy gardening!

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10 Quick & East Steps to Properly Re-Pot a Plant

Growing plants is very rewarding. It’s amazing to watch something you care for grow. There comes a time in most plant’s lives that they need to find a new home. Here are 10 easy steps to repot like a pro.

Here are the 10 Steps to Properly Re-Pot a Plant

Lightly water your plant to help the root ball and soil slide more easily out of the pot.

Remove your plant from the pot by carefully turning it on its side, then support the main stem in one hand and use the other hand to gently pull the pot away. Try not to pull on the stem – if necessary, you can gently tap the pot on the counter, or use a knife or trowel to loosen the soil around the edges of the pot. Be careful not to yank or break the main stems of the plant!

When moving your plant to a larger pot, begin by inspecting the roots and soil. If the soil is in good shape, try to disturb it as little as possible. If it’s rotten or moldy, shake away some of the excess, but remember that removing soil will stress your plant even more. If the roots are tightly coiled, use your fingers or a sharp knife to loosen or gently slice them so they can spread out, trimming away any really long ends. Cut away any rotten or dead roots.
When repotting in the same pot, shake off the excess soil, then use scissors to prune back up to 25% of the roots. This will help rejuvenate your plant while keeping it small enough to stay in the same pot.

Clean the pot with hot soapy water to get rid of disease causing microorganisms and insect larvae. Pat dry.

If the soil drains well, it’s not necessary to put gravel in the bottom of the pot. Make a small mound of soil in the pot for your plant to sit on. Measure the height and make sure the top of the root ball is at least 1/2″ below the rim of the pot, so that it won’t overflow when you water it.

Place the plant in the pot and settle it on the soil. Look at it from all sides to make sure it’s centered and sitting up straight.

Add potting soil around the plant in layers, pressing it down with your fingers until firm. Don’t bury your plant deeper than it was before!

Water your newly potted plant well until the water runs out the bottom. I like to sit the plant in the sink or bathtub and give it a good drink, making sure the soil gets evenly moist while the excess water drains away. This is also a good time to spritz or wipe down the foliage to remove dust and potting soil.

Sometimes after watering, it’s necessary to add a little more soil to fill in low spots in the pot.

Cut off any dead or broken stems and leaves. If needed, lightly prune your plant to encourage branching.

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