Emergency Services

These emergency services offered by landscaping companies aim to address urgent situations promptly and effectively, providing peace of mind and ensuring the safety and aesthetics of your property.


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Emergency Services Available

If you need immediate help with anything, we’ll be glad to accommodate your emergency.

Here are some of the Emergency Services Offered by Landscape Unique

Storm Damage Cleanup

After severe weather events, landscaping companies can help with the cleanup and removal of fallen trees, branches, and debris to restore safety and functionality to your property.

Emergency Tree Removal

In cases where a tree poses an immediate risk to property or individuals, landscaping companies can quickly and safely remove the tree to prevent further damage or hazards.

Irrigation System Repairs

If your irrigation system experiences a sudden malfunction or a burst pipe, landscaping companies can provide emergency repairs to ensure your landscape receives proper water supply and prevent water waste.


Landscaping companies can assist with emergency drainage problems, such as water pooling or flooding, by assessing the issue and implementing immediate solutions to redirect water flow and prevent property damage.

Fallen Tree

In situations where a limb or tree has fallen due to high winds, heavy snow, or other factors, landscaping companies can promptly remove the debris and restore safety to the area.

Landscape Restoration

If your landscape has been damaged by accidents, vandalism, or other unforeseen circumstances, landscaping companies can provide emergency restoration services to quickly revive the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space.

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Service Area

Belle Isle • Conway • Edgewood

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